Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Beatles - Rubber Soul (1965)

perfect post-pot, pre-acid, folk-pop
I'm starting this blog with my absolute favorite album of all time. It is ludicrously under represented when citing the genius of the band and it would be a shame if it was missing from anyone's iPod. This recently replaced Revolver on my favorites list probably because of the quality in songwriting. Just about every Beatles album has a song that I wish wasn't there. "Yellow Submarine" and "When I'm Sixty-Four" throw off all the continuity and momentum the albums build, but I don't hear any on Rubber Soul. Those who dislike Starr or country music will surely feel this way about "What Goes On," but I have learned to appreciate the tight harmonies and Carl Perkins-pickin' the band pulled off extremely well. This is really the last non-experimental album the band would make. One last "stick with what you know" effort before the straw broke and things got weird. The album is simple but by no means boring and there isn't a note or beat out that feels out of place. The lyrics in my opinion are more clever and well placed than on any other Beatles release.

Listen if you like: The Byrds, Help!

My favorites: Michelle, Girl, If I Needed Someone

Rapidshare Download

Link Found Here

You can tell Ringo was having a good time in Japan at 1:51.

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